Top Ten Presentation Questions

Objective is to ask questions that create open end conversation and are substantial in checking off the data points that you need to make a recommendation?

The initial opening is critical.  Often this is where the deal is lost.  I strongly suggest you use a first name approach.  “Could I speak to Mary?  Mary you requested information on Facebook (or wherever the lead came from), They instructed me to call you and help you out.”  This is followed by a hearty “How are you today?” -OR- “How are you my friend?” Very assumptive, as if you are friends.

Key points to the opening above

1.Friendly (first name)

2. Assumptive (as if you are friends)


This is followed with a hearty

“What is your concern regarding your Medicare that you requested help”

This is the warmup!

At some point, you want to transition to a line question that leads to lengthy conversation.  Below is the line of questioning/conversation I prefer.  People are, surprisingly open to discuss their health.  This openness increases with age.

1. How’s your health? - OR - Are you healthy? -OR- Do you have any health concerns?

2. Do you take any medication (for that)?

a. So you don’t take any medication?

3. How often do you visit your doctor (for that)?

4. How much does that cost you?

a. Doctor - How about the specialist?

b. Rx - Do you get Extra Help/LIS

5. Who is your doctor?

a. Do you like him/her

b. How often

6. Have you been hospitalized recently? (for that)

7. Did you get a bill for that?

8. Why did you choose that plan?

9. Do you like your agent?

10. Do you know how your plan works?

a. Let’s take a look

If you ask enough questions, you will be deep in conversation and will eventually establish yourself as a confident advisor.

When they like you, trust you and believe what you are saying is correct, you can sell nearly all your prospects. 

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